Tile panel 17th century Wild tulip

Wild tulips, the ‘Queen of the Stinzenflowers’ at Dekema State, Martenastate, Stinze Stiens and Jongemastate. Tile panel with tulips and Snake’s Head Fritillaries, 17th century, coll. Stinze Stiens.

The Calendar in the Stinzenflora-monitor provides up-to-date information about the early spring flowers in the Netherlands at historic locations, the so called Stinzenflora or Stinzenplants. Regularly the monitor also reports on the flowering of the Stinzenplants elsewhere in Europe or about special interesting issues related to these plant species and the cultural history of these plants. All this is richly illustrated with beautiful photos by the correspondents of the Stinzenflora-monitor. Also images from classical herbals and other books are published. This year the list of plants has been extended. The table in the calendar has been updated and is easier to read.
The calendar is active from 10 February – 13 May 2018 on this website. This also includes the information about the many activities in spring which the participants in the Stinzenflora-monitor organise. – Read More –